Tuesday, 25 May 2010


I had coffee in Bar Soho
and imagined you were joining me later.
I had my usual espresso
and ordered you a capuccino so they'd come with different spoons
which I took home because I couldn't take you.


  1. Just whimsically lovely poem to read at the very moment I am having c(_)

    Enjoyed this coffee break, Dan! :D

  2. thank you :) My poems seem to be working their way down Old Compton St at the moment. If I'm feeling adventurous, next time I'll see if I can get to Oxford St!

  3. Very clever, says much about the person. Thanks for this enjoyable poem!

    I've been using that too cup symbol too, since Sam taught me - let's all have a cup c(_)

  4. Any Who inspiration here? Or is it in my head?

  5. @Redleg - as in the band? Sadly not, but I like the idea

    @Phillipa - glad you see the sadness. It was mewant to be a way of talking about extreme loneliness :)
